
Super friend youth club monthly meeting

Date  :- 05.07.2021

Time :-  3.00 .p.m. 

End time :-  4.30 .pm

Venue :-  main Auditorium, Ruwanweli central collage ,Anuradhapura

Topic :-  Discuss last year’s budget and held a corona virus awareness lecture by spiciest physician Dammika Fernando.

Members to be present :-  president, secretary, treasure rand all members participate  (must come subject to quarantine laws)


1) Welcome and thanks by president
2) Apologies
3) Minutes of the last meeting by secretary
4) Minute accepted as true record
5) Matter Arising from last meeting 
6) Treasurer’s report
7) Frist matter discusses
Last year ‘s budgets from treasures
8) Minute accepted as true record
9) Second matter discuss
Alms giving on poison poya day
10) Third matter discuss
Corona virus awareness lecture by specialist physician Dammika Fernando
11) Any other discuss
12) President’s speech of thank
………….........                                      ...........................

   President                                       secretary


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